*1. North Central(NC) Zone*
Federal Capital Territory
*2. North East(NE) Zone*
*3. North West(NW) Zone*
*4. South East(SE) Zone*
*5. South West(SW) Zone*
*6. South South(SS) Zone*
Akwa Ibom
Cross river
It's no new news that the new policy of the NYSC which started from 2016 Batch A orientation course now allows every corps member to choose 4 States of their choices to serve their father land which one of the chosen 4 states would be selected at random by the NYSC management. This is how to make the selection:
1 state from the *NC* zone
1 state from either *NE or NW* zones
1 state from either *SE or SS* zones
1 state from the *SW* zone. Thank you.

Corruption in Nigeria

Political corruption is a persistent phenomenon in
Nigeria . President Muhammadu Buhari defined corruption as the greatest form of human right violation. Since the creation of modern public administration in the country, there have been cases of official misuse of funds and resources . [1] The rise of public administration and the discovery of oil and
natural gas are two major events seen to have led to the increase in corrupt practices in the country. [2]
The government has tried to contain corruption through the enactment of laws and the enforcement of integrity systems, but success has been slow in coming. [3] In 2012, Nigeria was estimated to have lost over $400 billion to corruption since independence. [4]
Main article: Petroleum in Nigeria
Theories abound for the different possible causes of the flagrant graft that exists in Nigeria. Some blame greed and ostentatious lifestyles as a potential root cause of corruption. To some, societies in love with ostentatious lifestyle may delve into corrupt practices to feed the lifestyle and also embrace a style of public sleaze and lack of decorum . The customs and attitudes of the society may also be a contributing factor. Gift giving as expressions of loyalty or tributes to traditional rulers may be fabrics of the society. Also, a political environment that excludes favors towards elites or wealthy citizens may also be influenced by corruption. Wealthy elites may resort to sleaze in order to gain power and protect their interest. However, the bottom line surmised from the views of most Nigerians is that corruption is a problem that has to be rooted out. In Nigeria another major cause of corruption is ethnicity called tribalism in Nigeria. Friends and kinsmen seeking favor from officials may impose difficult strains on the ethical disposition of the official. Many kinsmen may see a government official as holding necessary avenues for their personal survival or gain. [5]
A culmination of use of official resources for private gain may lead to further pressures on incoming officials from other kinsmen. However, the fact is, the importation of modern rules on inter-ethnic political relationships is a recent colonial and western initiative that may take time to become the norm, deep allegiance to other ethnic groups for administrative decisions early on was sometimes viewed suspiciously, and an early institutionalization of a unitary system in the country, may also have led to a further familiar groupings induced corruption. Nevertheless, a modern practical approach to leadership and relationships has gradually taken a prominent role in the political process. The necessity for practical inter-depedence and cooperation is at the forefront of yearnings for good governance in the country. [6]
Some analysts have also blamed colonialism for the amount corruption. According to this view, the nation's colonial history may have restricted any early influence in an ethical revolution; "the trappings of flashy cars, houses and success of the colonists may influenced the poor to see the colonist as symbols of success and to emulate the colonists in different political ways". Involvement in the agenda of colonial rule may also inhibit idealism in the early stage of the nascent nation's development. A view commonly held during the colonial days was that the colonists property (cars, houses, farms etc.) is not "our" property. Thus vandalism and looting of public property was not seen as a crime against society. This view is what has degenerated into the more recent disregard for public property and lack of public trust and concern for public goods as a collective national property. [7] According to PricewaterhouseCoopers , Nigeria's economy would have a higher worth if its level of corruption were closer to Ghana 's. [8]
History and Cases
Pre-Independence and the First Republic
Corruption, though prevalent, was kept at manageable levels during the First Republic. [9][10] However, the cases of corruption during the period were sometimes clouded by political infighting.
Azikiwe was the first major political figure investigated for questionable practices. In 1944, a firm belonging to Azikiwe and family bought a Bank in
Lagos . The bank was procured to strengthen local control of the financial industry. Albeit, a report about transactions carried out by the bank showed though Azikiwe had resigned as chairman of the bank, the current chairman was an agent of his. The report wrote that most of the paid-up capital of the African Continental Bank were from the Eastern Regional Financial Corporation.
In western Nigeria, politician Adegoke Adelabu was investigated following charges of political corruption leveled against him by the opposition. The report led to demand for his resignation as district council head.
In the Northern region, against the backdrop of corruption allegations leveled against some native authority officials in Bornu. The Northern Government enacted the Customary Presents order to forestall any further breach of regulations. Later on, it was the British administration that was accused of corrupt practices in the results of elections which enthroned a Fulani political leadership in Kano , reports later linking the British authorities to electoral irregularities were discovered. [11]
Gowon Administration (August 1966 – July 1975)
Corruption for the most part of Yakubu Gowon's administration was kept away from public view until 1975. However, informed officials voiced concerns. Critics said Gowon's governors acted like lords overseeing their personal fiefdom. He was viewed as timid, faced with corrupt elements in his government.
In 1975, a corruption scandal surrounding the importation of cement engulfed many officials of the defense ministry and the central bank of Nigeria. Officials were later accused of falsifying ships manifestos and inflating the amount of cement to be purchased. [12]
During the Gowon administration, two individuals from the middle belt of the country were accused of corruption. The Nigerian government controlled the newspapers, so the Daily Times and the New Nigerian gave great publicity to denunciations of the administration of Gomwalk, and Federal Commissioner Joseph Tarka by the two critics. A situation which may signal a cause for exigent action on corruption. [13]
Murtala administration (1975 – February 1976)
In 1975, the administration of Murtala Mohammed made reformist changes. After a military coup brought it to power, the new government sacked a large number of prior government officials and civil servants, many of whom had been criticized for the misuse of power they wielded under the largely uneducated military of Gowon. [14]
Obasanjo administration (February 1976 – September 1979)
The first administration of Olusegun Obasanjo was a continuation of the Muritala Mohammed administration, and was focused on completing the transition program to democracy, as well as implementing the national development plans. Major projects including building new refineries, pipelines, expanding the national shipping and airlines as well as hosting FESTAC was done during the administration. A number of these national projects were conduits to distribute favors and enrich connected politicians. The famous Afrobeat musician, Fela Kuti, sang variously about major scandals involving the international telecommunication firm ITT led by Chief MKO Abiola in Nigeria, which the then Head of State, Gen Olusegun Obasanjo was associated with. [15] In addition to this, the Operation Feed the Nation Program, and the associated land grab under the Land Use Decree implemented by the then Head of State was used as conduits to reward cronies, and his now famous Otta Farm Nigeria (OFN) was supposedly a project borne out of this scandal. [16]
Shagari Administration (October 1979 – December 1983)
Corruption was deemed pervasive during the administration of Shehu Shagari . [17] A few federal buildings mysteriously caught fire after investigators started to probe the finances of the officials working in the buildings. [18] In late 1985, investigations into the collapse of the defunct Johnson Mathey Bank of
London shed light on some of the abuses carried on during the second republic. The bank acted as a conduit to transfer hard currency for some party members in Nigeria. A few leading officials and politicians had amassed large amounts of money. They sought to transfer the money out of the country with the help of Asian importers by issuing import licenses. [19]
In 1981, a rice shortage led to accusations of corruption against the NPN government. Shortages and subsequent allegations were precipitated by
protectionism . After its election the Nigerian government decided to protect local rice farmers from imported commodities. A licensing system was created to limit rice imports. However, accusations of favoritism and government-supported speculation were leveled against many officials. [20]
Buhari Administration (December 1983 – August 1985)
In 1985, a cross section of politicians were convicted of corrupt practices under the government of General Muhammadu Buhari , but the administration itself was only involved in a few instances of lapsed ethical judgment. Some cite the suitcases scandal which also coincidentally involved then customs leader Atiku [ who? ] , who later became Vice President in 1999, and was indicted for various acts of corruption. "The 53 suitcases saga arose in 1984 during the currency change exercise ordered by the Buhari junta when it ordered that every case arriving the country should be inspected irrespective of the status of the person behind such. The 53 suitcases were, however, ferried through the Murtala Muhammed Airport without a customs check by soldiers allegedly at the behest of Major Mustapha Jokolo, the then aide-de-camp to Gen. Buhari. Atiku was at that time the Area Comptroller of Customs in charge of the
Murtala Muhammed Airport ." [21]
Babangida Administration (August 1985 – August 1993)
The regime of general Ibrahim Babangida or IBB, has been seen as the body that legalized corruption. His administration refused to give account of the Gulf War windfall, which has been estimated to be $12.4 billion. He rigged the only successful election in the history of Nigeria in June 12, 1993. [ citation needed ] He lives in a very exquisite mansion in his home state of Niger. [22]
During IBB's tenure, corruption became a policy of state. [23] Vehicles and cash gifts were routinely disbursed to earn loyalty, and the discipline of the military force eroded. The term "IBB Boys" emerged, meaning fronts for the head of state in business realm, someone who will transact dirty deals from drug dealing to money laundering. The President was reportedly deeply involved in drug dealing through the first lady, Maryam Babangida, and Gloria Okon (his girlfriend). The near-revelation of that fact by Dele Giwa triggered the assassination of the journalist by the Presidential death squad using a letter bomb. [24] [ citation needed ]
IBB used various government privatization initiatives to reward friends and cronies, [25] which eventually gave rise to the current class of nouveau riche in Nigeria. From banking to oil and import licenses, IBB used these favors to raise cash for himself and his family, and is regarded as one of the richest ex-rulers of Nigeria supposedly with significant investment in Globacom [26] -- one of the largest telecom operators in Nigeria, regarded as a front for his empire. [27]
Abacha Administration (Nov 1993 – June 1998)
The death of the general Sani Abacha revealed the global nature of graft. French investigations of bribes paid to government officials to ease the award of a gas plant construction in Nigeria revealed the level of official graft in the country. The investigations led to the freezing of accounts containing about $100 million United States dollars. [28]
In 2000, two years after his death, a Swiss banking commission report indicted Swiss banks for failing to follow compliance process when they allowed Abacha's family and friends of access to his accounts and to deposit amounts totaling $600 million US dollars into them. The same year, a total of more than $1 billion US dollars were found in various accounts throughout
Europe . [29]
Abdusalami Administration (June 1998 – May 1999)
The government of Gen. Abdusalami was short and focused on transiting the country quickly to democracy. Albeit, suspicion remains that quite a huge of wealth was acquired by him and his inner circle in such short period, as he lives in quite exquisite mansion of his own adjacent IBB's that exceeds whatever he might have earned in legitimate income. Indeed, the major Halliburton scandal implicated his administration, and this might have financed his opulence. [30]
Obasanjo administration (May 1999 – May 2007)
Various corruption scandals broke out under Olusegun Obasanjo's presidency, including one of international dimensions when his vice president was caught in cahoots with a US Congressman stashing cold hard cash (literally) in freezers. In addition to this, the KBR and Siemens bribery scandals broke out under his administration, which was serially [ clarification needed ] investigated by the FBI and led to international indictments indicating high-level corruption in his administration. According to reports, [31] "while Nigeria dithered, the United States Department of Justice on January 18, 2012 announced that a Japanese construction firm,
Marubeni Corporation , agreed to pay a $54.6 million criminal penalty for allegedly bribing officials of the Nigerian government to facilitate the award of the $6 billion liquefied natural gas contract in Bonny, Nigeria to a multinational consortium, TSKJ". They paid bribes to Nigerian government officials between 1995 and 2004, in violation of the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act .
Some other acts of corruption tied to Olusegun Obasanjo included the Transcorp shares scandal that violated the code of conduct standards for public officers, and the presidential library donations at the eve of his exit from power that pressured associates to donate. [32] Obasanjo was also said to widely lobby for his failed campaign to alter the constitution to get a third term by actively bribing the legislators. [33] further deepening corruption at the highest levels.
Umaru Musa Yar'Adua administration (May 2007 –May 2010)
Yaradua's ascent and time in office was short, although a fair number of corruption scandals from previous administrations came to light under his tenure and went uninvestigated due to lack of political will and poor health. Yaradua's various acts of political corruption using his Attorney-General to frustrate ongoing local and international investigations of his powerful friends like Governor Ibori, Igbinnedion and Odili which led to massive losses to their states. Indeed, AG Aondakaa was legendary in his inability to obtain conviction in Nigeria even as UK and foreign courts successfully tried Nigeria's deeply corrupt governors from the Obasanjo era that helped Yaradua emerge as president. In addition, Wikileaks revealed that the Supreme Court Justices were bribed to legitimize the corrupt elections that saw to his emergence as president through massive rigging. [34] Wikileaks documents also revealed the staying power of corruption under Yaradua, with illegal payments from NNPC to Presidents continuing unabated. [35]
Goodluck Jonathan administration (2010–2015)
In 2014, Nigeria's rank improved from 143rd to the 136th position on Transparency International 's
Corruption Perceptions Index . [36] In late 2013, Nigeria's then central bank governor Sanusi Lamido Sanusi informed President Goodluck Jonathan that the state oil company, NNPC, had failed to remit US$20 billion in oil revenues owed to the state. Jonathan however dismissed the claim and replaced Sanusi for his mismanagement of the central bank's budget. A Senate committee also found Sanusi’s account to be lacking in substance. [37] After the conclusion of the NNPC's account audit, it was announced in January 2015 that NNPC's non-remitted revenue is actually US$1.48 billion, which it needs to refund to the government. [38] Upon release of both the PwC and Deloitte report by the government at the eve of its exit, it was however determined that truly close to $20 billion was indeed missing or misappropriated or spent without appropriation. [39]
In addition to these, the government of Goodluck Jonathan had several running scandals including the BMW purchase by his Aviation Minister, $250 million plus security contracts to militants in the Niger Delta, [40] massive corruption and kickbacks in the Ministry of Petroleum, the Malibu Oil International scandal, and several scandals involving the Petroleum Ministry including accusations of sweetheart deals[41] with select fronts and business people to divert public wealth. In the dying days of Goodluck Jonathan's administration, the Central Bank scandal of cash tripping of mutilated notes also broke out, where it was revealed that in a four-day period, 8 billion naira was stolen directly by low-level workers in the CBN. This revelation excluded a crime that is suspected to have gone on for years and went undetected until revealed by whistle-blower. The Central Bank claim the heist undermined its monetary policy. [42] In 2014, UNODC began an initiative to help combat corruption in Nigeria. [43]
New allegations of corruption have begun to emerge since the departure of President Jonathan on May 29, 2015, including:
1. $2.2 billion illegally withdrawn from Excess Crude Oil Accounts, [44] of which $1 billion supposedly approved by President Jonathan to fund his reelection campaign without the knowledge of the National Economic Council made up of state governors and the president and vice president. [45]
2. NEITI discovered $11.6 billion was missing from Nigeria LNG Company dividend payments. [46]
3. 60 million barrels of oil valued at $13.7 billion was stolen under the watch of the national oil company, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, from 2009 to 2012. [47]
4. NEITI indicates losses due to crude swaps due to subsidy and domestic crude allocation from 2005 to 2012 indicated that $11.63 billion had been paid to the NNPC but that “there is no evidence of the money being remitted to the federation account”.
5. Diversion of 60% of $1 billion foreign loans obtained from the Chinese by the Ministry of Finance
6. Massive scam in weapons and defense procurements, and misuse of 3 trillion naira defense budget since 2011 under the guise of fighting Boko Haram[49]
7. Diversion of $2.2 million vaccination medicine fund, by Ministry of Health [50]
8. Diversion of Ebola fight fund up to 1.9 bn naira
9. NIMASA fraud under investigation by EFCC, inclusive of accusation of funding PDP and buying a small piece of land for 13 billion naira [52]
10. Ministry of Finance led by Okonjo Iweala hurried payment of $2.2 million to health ministry contractor in disputed invoices [53]
11. NDDC scams and multifarious scams including 2.7 billion naira worth of contracts that does not confirm to the Public Procurement Act [54]
12. Police Service Commission Scam investigated by ICPC that revealed misappropriation of over 150 million naira related to election related trainings. ICPC made refund recommendations, but many analyst indicated prosecution was more appropriate. [55]
Public institutions perceived as corrupt
A world map of the 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International
The following list contains the institutions perceived as the most corrupt. It is culled from the Nigeria Survey and Corruption Survey Study, Final Report (June 2003) Institute for Development Research,
Ahmadu Bello University , Zaria (IDR, ABU Zaria) [56]
Nigeria (as of 2003)
Rating Institution
1 Nigerian Police
2 Political Parties
3 National and State Assemblies
4 Local and Municipal Governments
5 Federal and State Executive Councils
6 Traffic police and FRSC
9 Nigeria Customs
See also
Nigeria portal
Brown envelope journalism, Nigeria
List of impeached Nigerian state governors
Corruption by country
1. ^ The Storey Report. The Commission of Inquiry into the administration of Lagos Town Council
2. ^ Africa, London, April 1979, p 25
3. ^ "Nigeria Corruption Profile" . Business Anti-Corruption Portal . Retrieved 2 July 2015.
4. ^ "Nigeria has lost $400bn oil revenue to corruption since Independence – Ezekwesili" . Daily Post Nigeria. Retrieved 2 July 2016.
5. ^ Wraith, R, and E Simpkins, Corruption in Developing Countries. Tribalism might as well remain the greatest obstacle to tackling official corruption in Nigeria . Journal of Modern African Affairs, 1983
6. ^ Varda Eccker, On the Origins of Corruption: Irregular Incentives in Nigeria. The Journal of Modern African Studies. Vol. 19, No. 1 Mar., 1981.
7. ^ "South Elevation: Breaking Views: Nigeria: Corruption Perception Index" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
8. ^ "The $20-billion hole in Africa's largest economy" . Retrieved 2 July 2016 – via The Economist.
9. ^ Chinua Achebe. No Longer at ease New York, 1960
10. ^ Chinua Achebe, A Man of the People, New York, 1966
11. ^ Robert L. Tignor. Political Corruption in Nigeria before Independence, The Journal of Modern African Studies > Vol. 31, No. 2 (Jun., 1993)
12. ^ Turner. The Nigerian Cement Racket, Africa Guide, 1976 Pg 6
13. ^ Keith Panter Brick. Soldiers and Oil: The Political Transformation of Nigeria, ISBN 0 714630985 Pg70
14. ^ Olajide Aluko. Nigeria and Britain after Gowon, African Affairs. Vol. 76, No. 304 Jul., 1977
15. ^ http://www.piie.com/publications/chapters_preview/12/8iie2334.pdf
16. ^ "Nigeria: The Gospel According to St. Obasanjo" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
17. ^ "Nigerian Leader Promises Crackdown on Corruption" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
18. ^ Leon Dash, Mysterious Fires Plague Nigerian Investigations, The Washington Post, February 27, 1983
19. ^ "British banks linked to import swindles", The Globe and Mail (Canada), December 3, 1985
21. ^ alexsamade (20 March 2011). "53 SUITCASES SAGA: Buhari blasts Atiku, Jonathan" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
22. ^ "IBB: The "mess" iah see IBBs Lavish Mansion Pictures Hilltop" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
23. ^ huhuonline.com. "IBB Shuns mourning of dead wife, Plans to Commission his Hotel in Abuja" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
24. ^ "GLORIA OKON, The Story of Nigeria's Most Mysterious Drug Pusher" . 6 August 2015. Retrieved 2 July 2016.
26. ^ http://www.nigeriavillagesquare.com/articles/omoyele-sowore/mike-adenuga-arrested-detained-by-efcc.html
27. ^ siteadmin (12 August 2006). "Mohammed Babangida detained, EFCC looks into Globacom and IBB's "front investments" " . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
28. ^ Hector Igbikiowubo, "TSKJ SAGA: SWISS GOVT FREEZES $ 100M ACCOUNTS", Vanguard, Nigeria, December 6, 2004
29. ^ David Pallister, "Comment & Analysis: Pennies from heaven: Many of Nigeria's missing millions were laundered through greedy banks in London", The Guardian (London), September 7, 2000
30. ^ http://www.thisdaylive.com/articles/leaked-files-link-abdulsalami-abubakar-chris-garba-to-182m-halliburton-bribery-scandal/201454/
31. ^ http://www.punchng.com/politics/offshore-bribery-convictions-and-nigerias-anti-graft-war/
32. ^ "Things You Never Knew About Mike Adenuga, Nigeria's Second Richest Man - INFORMATION NIGERIA" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
33. ^ "The third term bribery allegation - Vanguard News" . 22 May 2011. Retrieved 2 July 2016.
34. ^ "Yar'Adua knew Aondoakaa was corrupt but could not sack him - Wikileaks - Vanguard News" . 8 September 2011. Retrieved 2 July 2016.
35. ^ "Google Groups" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
36. ^ Chima, Obinna (4 December 2014). "Nigeria Records Improvement, Ranked 39th on Corruption Index" . This Day Live. Archived from the original on 8 February 2015. Retrieved 8 February 2015.
37. ^ Tim Cocks and Joe Brock (6 February 2015).
"Special Report: Anatomy of Nigeria's $20 billion "leak" " . Reuters . Retrieved 6 February 2015.
38. ^ "NNPC Audit: No Missing $20 Billion" . Nigerian Bulletin. Retrieved 8 February 2015.
39. ^ "This Yam, This Goat, This Country: PwC on NNPC – Part 1" . 29 April 2015. Retrieved 2 July 2016.
40. ^ "Looking Beyond the Diezani Tenure - Africa Oil+Gas Report" . Retrieved 12 August 2016.
41. ^ "Looking Beyond the Diezani Tenure - Africa Oil+Gas Report" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
42. ^ http://www.punchng.com/news/cash-assistant-others-have-post-property-in-safrica-efcc/
43. ^ valerie.devuyst. "Anti-Corruption in Nigeria" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
44. ^ http://www.punchng.com/news/okonjo-iweala-spent-2-1bn-without-approval-says-fg/
45. ^ "Adams Oshiomhole Accuses Okonjo-Iweala of Spending $1 Billion of Nigeria's Money on Jonathan's Election Campaign - She Denies Allegations" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
46. ^ siteadmin (18 June 2015). "NNPC/NEITI And Missing $11.6Bn NLNG Dividends: Another One For Buhari's In-tray By Ifeanyi Izeze" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
47. ^ http://www.punchng.com/news/oil-worth-13-7bn-stolen-under-nnpc-says-neiti/
48. ^ "Page not found - NTA.ng - Breaking News, Nigeria, Africa, Worldwide" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
49. ^ http://campuswaka.com/2015/07/05/tension-in-military-as-buhari-demands-records-of-weapons-procurement/
50. ^ siteadmin (30 October 2014). "Nigeria's Ministry Of Health, Others Mismanage $2.2 Million Meant For Vaccination Of Children—Auditors" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
51. ^ Abiodun (12 June 2015). "N1.9bn Ebola fund scam: Ministry staff stop arrest of officials" . Retrieved 2 July 2016.
52. ^ http://www.punchng.com/news/efcc-quizzes-ex-nimasa-dg-for-fraud/
53. ^ "Okonjo-Iweala Connected With Fresh $2.2Million Trouble" . 28 July 2015. Retrieved 2 July 2016.
54. ^ "Multibillion naira contract scam rocks NDDC - Premium Times Nigeria" . 8 August 2015. Retrieved 2 July 2016.
55. ^ "ICPC indicts Okiro-led PSC, orders body to refund N145m - Premium Times Nigeria" . 11 August 2015. Retrieved 2 July 2016.
56. ^ Reports & Statistics > Research Reports

Things To Take To NYSC Camp

nysc camp

Heading to NYSC Camp? Heeding the Clarion Call? Here is a comprehensive list of essential things you need to take to camp. aka “NYSC camp requirements” Included are some life saving TIPS!

As you head to camp for the 2017 Batch B Orientation Course starting on may, 2017, here are the essentials! First off, the requirements. These are compulsory and you will not be allowed into any NYSC Camp if you don’t have them with you.


Official NYSC Camp Registration Requirements:

1. CALL UP LETTER: This is a vital part of camp registration and the only evidence that you are a prospective corps member (colloq. Corper, or Otondo) and you are not impersonating anyone. This will be taken from and not returned to you. So if at all you even forget you luggage never forget this.
Tip: Since many will choose the N4,000 option to print online, do try to use a cafĂ© with laser jet printers and not DeskJet. Why? Documents printed with DeskJets are more susceptible to water/moisture damage. Just to be on a safer side and you should do this with any document you intend to keep for a very long time. If you can’t find a LaserJet, use anyone.
Tip: DO NOT LAMINATE IT! And keep it like its your life. I know someone who was sent back because she forgot hers. Also someone who had to beg and beg before his letter was collected because he laminated his own copy. So please avoid all these stress and make enough copies of this letter.
Tip: Remember you can REPRINT your Call-Up letter online if subscribed (N4,000) to that option.
2. Registration Documents: If you’re a foreign graduate, take along the original credentials you uploaded (to the NYSC Portal) for physical verification / evaluation.
3. Green Card: It contains your bio-data. Print and bring along your signed copy.
4. Final Year Student IDENTITY CARD
5. Notification/STATEMENT OF RESULT from School
6. PHOTOCOPIES OF YOUR DOCUMENTS: Now make about 10 copies of every document required. There would be photocopiers in camp at mammy market but trust me, it is double the price and it saves time.
7. PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPHS: This is very important. Take as many as you can, about 20 in red backgrounds. You would need them for different kinds of registration. e.g, skill acquisition groups, religious groups, sports, redeployment, bank account opening e.t.c
8. My CLEAR BAG: You’ll need to put the aforementioned in a portable envelope/bag that can withstand some amount of wear/tear. Hence, My Clear Bag.
Tip: The forms that will be handed to you are very easy to fill. Attach your passport where necessary and fill them correctly. After your registration, you will be issued with your State Code Number. This will be like your PIN throughout your Service Year.


9.  CERTIFICATES/LICENSES: For Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses & Lab Scientists, take along your proof of certification. Graduates of Medicine and Pharmacy are expected to have their Certificates of Registration with Nigerian Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (NMDCN) and Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) respectively.
10. STATIONERY: PEN, PAPER, GUM. Yeah this saves time and lots of unnecessary begging.
Tip: Some camps do seize staplers at the gate during check-in. But do not forget to include pins in your stapler if you still decide to take it along.
You will be given a meal ticket that gives you access to the Camp kitchen for the 21 days. Lose it and you have to feed yourself. Even if you do not intend to use it, you will come across someone who would appreciate the kind gesture.
Tip: After getting your NYSC State Code Number (which you have to wear around your neck all through camp with your ID card), you can proceed to claim your NYSC Kit and Mattress after which you can proceed to get a Room. After you have gotten your kit and secured a place in the hostels, you can settle down and you are good to go to start the Military parades.
Now, Your NYSC kit should contain 1 NYSC Crested Vest, A pair of Khaki Trousers, Cap and Jacket, 2 White T-shirts, 2 Pairs of Knickers, 2 pairs of green-stripped Stockings, A Pair of Orange Jungle Boots and One Pair of White Converse. A “Belt” is also included.

See Also: NYSC: Time table for 2017 batch A Orientation course.



11. ROUND-NECKED WHITE T-SHIRTS: This is an essential outfit in camp in fact in most camps this is the only allowed cloth to be worn throughout your 3 weeks. Even to church, you might not be allowed to wear colored cloths. You would be given 2 pairs of white t-shirts at camp to just fulfill all righteousness which surely would never be your size especially our very slim and small otondo in size . So you can bring extra pairs (6). Why? Because you probably wont have time to wash during the week after being stressed out from the parades and Man-O-War drills.
Tip: Do not carry more than 2 pairs of colored clothes because you wont need them.
12. WHITE SHORTS: I beg you please do bring yours. you would also be given 2 pairs of shorts which are really poor in material. They tear easily and it can be annoying. So my dear Otondos bring like 4 pairs of shorts. Trust me also you wont like to wash everyday, so bring enough to last you like 3 days so that you wont be stranded.
13. PLAIN WHITE SNEAKERS/TENNIS SHOES: This is a very important outfit. you would also be given an ugly pair of low quality white tennis shoes customized for NYSC. It’s either you are not given your size although you can find someone with your size and swap. But after the first wash it starts tearing. So just buy yours (white). They also sell this in camp, so in case you are not able to get you could buy in camp just carry extra cash for that because the price would be higher – as with everything in Mammy – because they know you have no choice than to buy. Now, If you happen to camp during the rainy season (Batch ‘B’ & ‘C’), get white rubber sneakers/boots especially if you’re posted to the Southern part of the country (esp. the South South. Read, Bayelsa). The parade fields/mammy market will be messed up after the rains. You will get this in camp.

14. WHITE SOCKS: Just get extra pairs.
15. PADLOCKS: [BRING or BUY from Mammy] Please lock your boxes and bags to avoid regrets and tears. I know someone who lost more than 5 items including his two phones – like he’s the only one in camp.
16. WAIST POUCH: /Fanny pack/Bum bag (or for the more fashion-conscious, a cross-body purse). The bum bags are more popular because they won’t bang against you when you’re active and your hands are free to do whatever. You need it to carry your money, phone, small valuables, pens, etc around with you at all times. You should sleep with it too.
17. MOSQUITO TREATED NET: You would do not want to fall sick in camp from malaria and miss out on the fun. Just bring yours. Also bring ropes you would use to hang it. The nets usually have these. I also used mine as a room to protect my box and properties from thieves and also from some insects and ants.
18. BASIC DRUGS: Like paracetamol, medicine for your allergies, menstrual pain relief drug, nausea relief drugs, antibiotics e.t.c. The camp clinic is sometimes inadequately stocked with drugs so help yourself. True story – A corper once donated at least a million Naira worth of medicine to the Lagos State NYSC camp clinic, and barely a few days later, they claimed to have run out of medicine.
19. ANTISEPTIC/DISINFECTANTS: Such as Dettol etc. This is very, very essential. Firstly the bathrooms can be very annoying and dirty and more importantly, you would not like to have infection from camp. Bad idea. Depending on your camp, the water can be dirty. Most people always have reaction to it.
20. DETERGENT: [BUY from Mammy.] Again, this reduces the amount of load you’re bringing into camp. However, if you’re lucky the mammy market will have vendors offering laundry services! It costs about N50 per item, N100 for your khaki trousers or jacket, extra N50 if you want your items pressed although cost will vary across camps.
Tip: The Bucket: Buy this in Mammy. Don’t stress yourself taking one to Camp, which you’re probably going to leave behind after 3 weeks. Toiletries: Toilet Paper, Sanitary Pad, soap dish etc. BUY in Mammy.
23. Bed sheets, Pillow Cases and A Pillow. You could also get pillow from mammy market to reduce load.
Tip: Mattresses will be provided by NYSC. It is best to “double up” with the mattresses, as they are about 1 to 2 inches thick. Lol.
24. HANDKERCHIEF. There will be BUCKETS of sweating. Do yourself a favor.
25. FLASK, BOWL AND CUP: [BRING or BUY] For eating. Important for those who intend on eating Camp food.
Tip: You will be fed three times a day in camp but I must not lie to you, the food there is nothing to write home about. They can be nice on few occasions like Sundays, but most days, they are poor. If you are someone who loves to eat good food, make provisions for your own food. You should get some fast foods along, some breakfast cereals and beverages. You should also hold extra cash to eat at the Mammy market. You will get good meals there.
26. BEVERAGE: The camp will supply you with “Tea-water” or ‘brown-water’ so you can make tea when you need to!
27. FLASHLIGHT OR RECHARGEABLE LAMPS: [BRING] Most camps, do not give light except at a specific time of the day. It’s very essential especially at night when you need to use the bathroom, early in the morning when preparing for morning drills and meditations and at night in case you need to do anything. At the mammy market, there is always light till they close, usually 10pm except on days like the Camp Fire Night where they stay open till, say, 3am depending on how lenient your camp commander is. You can charge your lamps there for a little fee.
28. Some form of entertainment: Novels – for those who get bored easily, please take a few. And for guys, games on your phone would do or chess. Your music player and headphones for audiophiles.
29. Your Ray-Ban sunglasses for the sun. And if you can’t afford that, get a Ray-Bon.
30. Get extra phone batter(ies) and extra Network SIMs. Some networks are not available at some camps as they’re usually in remote locations, far from town centres. Once you get your call-up letter, you can find out (from serving corpers or tweet at me @Dave_keyz which network has the best reception at your destination camp. If you need data access, find out if that available also. Instagrammers and YouTubers, if you get EDGE thank your stars. But there has been some improvement as network providers now know the volume of traffic NYSC camps generate.
31. CASH: Extremely important. You would need about N20,000. Then between N30,000 – N40,000 to be ‘just’ comfortable. For those that can manage, say about N15,000. There are lots of things that take up money. Things like food (for those who don’t intend eating from the camp kitchen), energy drinks, recharge cards, charging of electronic devices, laundry, pleasures e.t.c.
32. ATM Card: You ‘normally’ wont be allowed to leave camp. So do not be stranded, trust me it’s not a good idea. Just budget N1,000 per day. You should take your ATM card along, in case. (This might sound counter-intuitive since there might not be any ATM in your camp and you are not allowed to leave camp. But figure it out…) You can keep your extra cash with the Accounts Department (as the case was in my camp) while some shops offer POS services, you still have access to extra cash whenever you need it.
If you have a camera you can take it along because you will want to snap a lot of scenes. If you have a Smartphone with great camera, that’s good for you because you can easily take and share photos on social networks instantly.
Tip: If you don’t have any of those, you will have to pay some guys on camp who do that as business to follow you around and snap you wherever you go. They might charge up to N2,000 for the duration of the camping. They should give you all your photos and videos in DVDs at the end of Camping. Or you could wait till the last day of leaving camp and snap at a cheaper rate.
That’s all you need to take to NYSC camp!. Waaaait. Where are you going? Now, don’t be selfish. You have to share this with your friends, don’t you? Click the share buttons below. Is there any item we left out of the list? Let us know.